Learn the best way to deliver digital products!

It’s not possible to tightly stick to one product design methodology. That’s why our approach flexibly focuses on the user, technology, and the business case → Meet DDD!
Knowing your enemy - understanding the limitations and drawbacks of various product development methodologies allows us to make more informed decisions, anticipate potential challenges, and ultimately achieve greater success in your projects.
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Lack of flexibility / Limited stakeholder involvement
Lack of accountability / Restricted predictability
Lean Startup
Lack of long-term vision focus / Experimentation over execution
Design Thinking
Lack of business focus / Empathy over feasibility
Why does your project need a design process?

Implementing an digital product without a thoughtful design process is like building a house without blueprints

We recognize the importance of having a roadmap and accurate project estimation in order to develop a well-defined product that aligns with your business goals.
This allows us to create an MVP version of your app for quick user validation, gathering feedback to refine the final product that aligns with your business goals and user needs.
Differences between popular software development methodologies
We have adopted our methodology very early based on our 20 years of experience in software consulting but don't take our word for it!
Some of the most popular product development approaches have been created for a very specific business environment and by becoming very popular, people started to adapt them in environments they should not exist in.
Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong?
MIT Technology Review
Why design thinking doesn’t work?
Design Thinking Is Fundamentally Conservative and Preserves the Status Quo
Harvard Business Review
Have We Taken Agile Too Far?
Harvard Business Review
Agile Is Getting Us Nowhere Fast
The age of Agile must end
Agile is dead! Waterfall is coming back.
5 Reasons Not to Follow the Lean Startup Process for Your Next Idea
Lean Startup Is Dead -- Long Live Lean Startup
Challenges With The Lean Startup Methodology
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Sounds confusing? Talk to us!

DDD - Get to know our practical approach!

It’s a digital product development methodology, designed for business-focused implementation.
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DDD is a mix of Agile, Lean Startup, Wterfall and Design Thinking methodologies
What DDD is all about?

DDD is a mix of waterfall predictability, design thinking creativity and agile flexibility

There is no problem that cannot be solved. There is no tool that cannot be improved. Let’s speak about your project.
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Our recipe for seamless product development:

Design thinking for creativity and innovation
Knowing your users
Knowing user journey
User experience focus
Lean startup for rapid market validation
Creating MVP
Go-live as soon as possible
Gather feedback about additional features
Waterfall for visibility and budget control
Knowing your budget
Knowing your roadmap
Plan app scaling
Detailed feature lists
Agile for flexibility and accountability
2 weeks sprints for tasks visibility
Sprints are project milestones with clear deliverables
App demo every sprint

Find out what we can do for you

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Discover / Define / Design

What stands out in our approach is the joint effort of multiple departments. PMs, Devs, Designers and QAs are working together from the early stages to deliver the best possible results tailored not only to user and customers needs but also to technology requirements.
Why to Discover
  • Gain a competitive advantage by leveraging customer and user data
  • Create a clear vision for the future of your business
  • Gain real-life knowledge and insights about your customers and your business
  • Identify hidden user needs through live customer experiences
  • Make informed decisions about where to invest your resources
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How to Define
  • Refine your understanding of your customers' needs
  • Prioritize crystal clear goals aligned with customer needs
  • Define what success looks like for your initiatives
  • Create customer value by identifying what brings the most value
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What to Design
  • Test assumptions - reduce costs by identifying bad ideas
  • Shape knowledge into testable deliverables
  • Validate prototypes to save money on unnecessary implementation
  • Maximize customer value by investing in ready-to-market solutions
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DDD benefits

Companies that prioritize design in their development process outperform their competitors by a significant margin, with a 32% higher revenue growth and 56% higher total returns to shareholders - based on a McKinsey study.
Budget control
Proper product definition allows for better project roadmap management, with features planned rather than created ad-hoc.
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Time management
With DDD, you'll know exactly where you're going and when you'll get there, without any surprises.
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Human centricity
Our process is based on design thinking methodology because we believe software is for users.
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Business focus
We include project managers, developers, and QA from the early stages of the design process to ensure alignment with budget and technical requirements.
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We analyze the current product status and business environment to adjust activities to actual needs.
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We work with clients, not for clients. Transparency is key to building healthy relationships, and the client is a part of the process.
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We update project roadmaps systematically throughout the project duration to avoid surprises.
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We're devoted to creative problem-solving and impactful solutions for users and businesses.
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Project team configurations

In order to achieve the best results throughout the entire product development cycle, it is crucial to ensure that your team is structured and organized efficiently.
Well-structured project team is key to the success of any product development. Our team is organized in a way that allows for a full cycle of product development, from ideation to deployment, with the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
Classic Heavy
Project Manager / Software Architect / Business Analyst / UX Designer / UI Designer / Front-end HTML/CSS Developers / Front-end JavaScript Developers / Back-end Developers / Dev Ops / QA Engineer - Automated / QA Engineer - Security/Performance / Manual Ad Hoc Tester
Scrum 1.0
Developers / Product Owner / Scrum Master (shared between project teams)
FM Agile
Project Manager / UX/UI Designer / QA Specialist / Developers
Optimal solution
Classic Light
Software Engineer

Your $100k project became a $300k project?

Lack of proper design and definition phase is the main reason for projects getting out of control
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Is somebody telling you that you don't need a roadmap?!

Working in agile may kick-off your development very quickly but you won't be able to tell where you're going.
Estimate project

DDD Methodology explanation

We take a client-centric approach, ensuring that your project is tailored to your goals and vision. Our focus on delivering an MVP allows us to gather feedback from the market and adjust our plans accordingly, maximizing the value we deliver to our clients.


We begin by understanding the project domain and analyzing the business. Discovery helps us to build advantage over business uncertainty by focusing on customer and user data, create vision to lead and wrap all activities around, identify hidden user needs by live customer experience.
During the Discovery stage, we research and gain insights into the current situation, define our challenges, frame the right problems to solve, and align on our first steps for the next phase. The involvement of various members of the project team allows us to look at the problem to be solved comprehensively and prepare solid foundations for the implementation of the product.
Phase assumptions
Business analysis
The analysis of your competition will give us a lot of knowledge that we will use to implement your vision. Our goal is to learn from their successes and failures, so that we can help you avoid common pitfalls and increase your chances of success. We're excited to share our findings with you!
  • FM facilitation
  • Business model canvas
  • Value proposition canvas
  • Competition comparison
  • Data analysis
UX discovery
Research of the product, stakeholders and users, their goals and needs is the basis for the success of each digital project. Understanding the product creates a solid foundation for the tool to be developed. The activities we undertake during this phase include:
  • Kick off meeting
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • UX audit
  • Desk research
  • Contextual inquiry
  • And much more...
Technical walkthrough
The involvement of Tech Lead during the initial phase of the project enables us to discover the possibilities and technological potential. Based on research conducted by developers, we recommend the most optimal solutions for product implementation.
  • Code review
  • Infrastructure & architecture
  • Integrations analysis
  • Technology 3rd party vendor interviews
  • Technical risk analysis
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Discovery phase gives us an understanding of the problem and what outcomes to aim for. It ensures that the project is set off in the right direction and highlights the core issues that should be addressed and resolved during the next phases.


The define phase aims to analyze to draw insights from data collected during the research phase, moving from “what” users want/think/need to “why” they want/think/need it. Designers confirm that the team’s most important assumptions are correct.
During the Define phase, we piece the components of our research together, synthesizing our findings to create a detailed picture of our answers and solutions to the discovered problems.
Phase assumptions
We already know the goals and vision, we also have information about users and their needs. It's time to use this information to define an idea for solving the known problems. For this purpose, we prepare:
  • Personas
  • User stories
  • Jobs to be done
  • Journey mapping
  • User flows
  • Wireframes / Concept sketches
We use the collected knowledge to develop a complete list of features that the product should have, together with the project team (UX/UI Designer, Tech lead, Project Manager, Product Owner, Business Analytic). Then we prioritize them in order to prepare the most optimal project implementation path. Activities:
  • Information architecture
  • Identifying red routes
  • Feature list
  • Prioritization
  • Estimates
Planning the time of implementation of individual parts of the product will allow you to plan activities related to the project release. (marketing, team preparing etc.). Our first goal of the implementation is the MVP version - this will allow us to draw conclusions and conduct tests before we start implementing the remaining functions.
  • Team configuration
  • Business goals focus approach
  • Budget optimisation
  • MVP
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The result of the Define phase focuses on combining the research and the information gathered before to generate a set of ideas and clear vision for problem-solving solutions. Our team defines solutions that address both your and your users’ needs. We prioritize the features and create a roadmap for design and delivery phases. We prepare a document that provides easy access to the most important information about the project for the entire project team.


At this step,  the team works on various activities, from creating Hi-Fi Mockups to the prototypes. An effective design phase is both highly collaborative (it requires active participation from all team players involved in product design) and iterative (meaning that it cycles back upon itself to validate ideas).
A good project team is recognized by how it ends, not how it starts. Your product needs a great design and a properly selected visual style to meet the assumptions clarified during the previous phases.
Phase assumptions
High fidelity mockups
At this stage, we turn all ideas and goals into high-class graphic designs. Great UI design helps to achieve goals and satisfy even the most demanding users. This is why we devote a lot of attention to this phase and plan the right amount of time for it. We engage the client's team in making key decisions together. We test graphic concepts and prepare production files. Activities:
  • Visual style definition
  • High fidelity design
  • Style guide & UI kit
Interactive prototypes allow us to simulate how the system will look and work after implementation. Thanks to this step, we can test the most important functions of the system with users - without any line of code. This allows us to improve the assumptions and design before handing over the files to the developers. Activities:
  • Interactive prototypes
  • Concept testing
  • Usability testing
  • Observations
  • Improvements
Developers hand-off
Good designer-developer cooperation is vital to complete an IT project. A well-communicated team gives you confidence that the developers will implement the product in the way it has been defined and designed. The involvement of various departments at various stages of implementation is a guarantee of success! Activities: 
  • Style guide & UI kit extension
  • Design specification
  • Design system
  • Ready to development files
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Design is a final stage of DDD methodology where we build representations for a subset of the proposed ideas. We review and evaluate the deliverables with you to ensure that our vision will improve the lives of your users and team members. The result of this phase is a set of design files with the necessary documentation - thanks to this, our team begins the Development stage.
Next steps

DDD is the constant involvement of project team members from various departments at various stages of the process. 

This allows us to streamline the implementation of the project and have a positive impact on the budget! Programmers involved at the design stage and designers supporting the development phase are our recipe for the efficient implementation of your vision and goals.
Waterfall predictability

Delivering software products on time requires a clearly outlined roadmap.

We take a comprehensive approach to software development, starting with rough sizing and gradually moving towards a detailed roadmap as we gather more information about the project. Our design process includes the creation of a feature list, which is an integral part of our development strategy.
Estimate project
Roadmap: we are starting from discovery, then - define, next design and the final phase is the development.

We recognize that every project is different. We take the time to understand our clients' needs and tailor our approach to ensure that we deliver the best possible results.

We prioritize business analysis to understand client needs
We remain mindful of client budget constraints
We offer optimized solutions that balance cost and quality
We assemble the right team of specialists for each project

Create you next project with DDD.

to get exactly what you need:
Budget control
Time management
Human centricity
Business focus
Design Thinking is an incredibly valuable methodology for teams, but it's important to remember that it encompasses a wide range of activities and approaches. It's not enough to simply pick and choose activities at random from a book. Each activity, document, or whiteboard session should have a clear purpose and add tangible value to the organization, developers, and future product development efforts. Understanding the why behind each action is critical to success.
The photo of Freeport Metrics CEO Andrew Gauvin
Andrew Gauvin


Professionals ready for the new challenges


Years of delivering IT products



Satisfied customers